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To assist the Priest in preparing for all liturgical celebrations.

Order supplies, e.g., candles, wine, tapers, hosts, linens, cleaning supplies

Order flowers for Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter and decorate the altar

Clean and wash all linens, clean candle holders and replenish candles

Set up for all Masses and special celebrations including weddings and funerals

Clean the sacred vessels

Time Commitment

Ministers: Teams of two work one week at a time, approximately six hours a week, every six weeks

Coordinator is the Head Sacristan, prepares the schedule and provides training for sacristans and is a member of the Liturgy Committee

Talents/Skills Required

Be a faithful and practicing Catholic

Must have received the sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist)

Show reverence while in the Sacristy

Understand the intricacies of the liturgical calendar

Be organized and committed to the ministry

Responsible Ministry Protocol

Not Required

Last updated

November 2016

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